The Representation of the European Commission in Bulgaria, the Ministry of Economy and Energy and the Science Research Centre of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” have the pleasure to invite you on the 12th annual forum for the promotion of the entrepreneurship in Bulgaria – “The European Day of the Entrepreneur 2015” which is held as part of the European Week of the SME on 15th and 16th of October 2015 in Inter Expo Centre, Sofia. The slogan of the event this year will be:
"ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SCIENCE - SMART GROWTH". The various panels planned for this year will touch on subjects as: Tools for encouraging the cooperation between universities and business; Partnership between local authorities, universities and industry – good practices; Entrepreneurship education – a premise for developing effective and competitive small and medium business; The opportunities of the HORIZON 2020; Strategy for Smart Specialisation of the Republic of Bulgaria; Financial instruments for SMEs in Bulgaria (OP “Development of the Bulgarian Economy Competitiveness”); Triple helix model for assessment of intangible assets of SMEs for facilitating the access of entrepreneurial to finances, technology transfer; Entrepreneurship in cultural and creative industries; Presentation of awards for entrepreneurship encouragement and TECHNOSTART; Public-private partnership and its impact on the entrepreneurial initiatives, etc.
Following the tradition, the event will gather in one place representatives from the world of business, administration, science and investment funds. Ministers, representatives of the European Commission, the state authorities, business associations and chambers, nongovernmental organisations, the academic society and other organisations, which feel strongly about the development of entrepreneurship in the conditions of the Single Market are invited. During the forum own panels will have: Sofia Techno Park, BAIT Technology Transfer Office, “Innovative Capital” Technology Transfer Office, Club for Knowledge and Innovation Management (CKIM), Council on Innovation and Energy Efficiency at BCCI, Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Romania; Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, representatives of small and medium business like VIETECH Plc., National High School in Finance and Business, etc.
Main lecturers will be the representatives of the European Commission, the state authorities and institutions, nongovernmental organisations, business associations and chambers, representatives of universities and other organisations that have an attitude towards the development of entrepreneurship, late payment, scientists, consultants, experts, municipal and other specialists.